There are bands that captivate you right from the beginning, almost with the first note, and never let you go. The queer garage rock duo ARXX from Brighton is such an example. I became aware of the band because they opened a couple of gigs for Fjort on their tour in February here in germany. I immediately fell in love with the band when I listened to one of their first singles „Ride Or Die.“ I haven’t heard such an uplifting feel-good anthem in a long time. The song that has come the closest in recent months is probably Paramore’s „This Is Why.“
The debut album by ARXX has already been released on various streaming platforms at the end of March. Finally the vinyl version is available now, which I pre-ordered months ago.
Danceable indie rock with a feel good vibe
The catchiness of „Ride Or Die“ is probably higher than on any other album this year. That said, the 12 songs on the album don’t follow the same formula and offer its listeners a lot of variety: „Deep“ is a danceable anthem, „Not Alone“ nods to 90s influences like The Breeders and „Iron Lung“ closes the debut album angrily rocking like the Blood Red Shoes. In between the whole mix is garnished with a touch of Haim or Kate Nash, creating an almost irresistible blend of feel-good indie rock that makes you want to dance through the emerging summer. The lyrics reflect on emotional issues like heartbreak, mental health and one’s own understanding as a queer person.
Although the duo, consisting of Hanni Pidduck and Clara Townsend, hasn’t quite made a breakthrough yet, I strongly believe that they will leave a lasting impression. Without a doubt the album will appear on some best-of lists at the end of 2023. These incredibly catchy songs are simply irresistible to anyone. Definitely one of the musical discoveries of the year!
Vinyl of the week in different color formats
Fans of black vinyl will unfortunately miss out on the current vinyl of the week, because there are only colored variants available for purchase. In the band’s own store you can purchase a clear or yellow vinyl edition with a signed print. The clear vinyl is also available in most record stores. At Rough Trade you will also find the limited yellow vinyl (a shared exclusive with the band) that comes with two tattoos by the band. Resident Music in beautiful Brighton, the hometown of the band, still has some signed copies left on clear vinyl.